Wednesday 17 December 2014

Half Lies by Sally Green

Title: Half Lies
Author: Sally Green
Published: 13th November 2014
Publisher: Penguin


Having read Half Bad earlier on in the year and loving it completely, I was bereft when I knew I would to wait until March net year for the next instalment. So when I heard that Half Lies was coming out as a short prequel to Half Bad, I downloaded it straight away.

Half Lies tells Gabriel and Michele's story told in the form of Michele's diary. Gabriel and Michele are both Black witches and the Black/White witch divide once again features very heavily in this.
We get a little background into how Gabriel lost his powers and how he ends up where he does in Half Bad.

Once again Sally's writing sucks you in in such a short space of time. She really gets across the teenage girl thoughts and worries and her falling in love.

I was devastated by the ending. As I heard another blogger describe it, it also left me feeling bereft. March still feels like such a long way off, so instead of it whetting my appetite, it has just made me want more!


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